Long Term Care Pharmaceutical services in Texas

Senior Health Pharmacy

Closed door, Long Term Care Pharmacy servicing nursing home and skilled nursing residents throughout the entire state of Texas. Our staff provides comprehensive oral and IV medication services to our customers.

Senior Health Pharmacy is committed to providing the best quality of care for our customers. We will achieve excellent customer service by exceeding customer expectations.

Why Choose Us

Billing Services

Every customer receives personalized service from a dedicated and experienced Billing Specialists. Billing Specialists work closely with your facility business staff to ensure accurate billing. Your Billing Specialist is also available to assist families with pharmacy billing concerns.

Resident Order Processing

Senior Health Pharmacy has developed a specialized order processing system to ensure every order is treated with expertise and care. Every order is processed and screened for drug interactions, allergies, and accuracy by our experienced team of pharmacists and technicians.

24/7 - 365 Service

Senior Health Pharmacy provides 24 Hour, 7 days a week, 365 Days a year service. If any emergencies arise after normal business hours, we provide a pharmacist on call to assist with the matter.

Delivery Service

Daily scheduled deliveries to each facility. Delivery arrival times are tracked and monitored for facility and resident compliance and status updates.

Medication Carts

Medication and Treatment Carts are provided to each facility for safe and secure storage of medications.


We provide a variety of reports related to clinical, management, and financial facility needs. We also provide a pharmacy portal for our customer to produce drug pricing, medication administration records (MAR) and treatment administration records.

Medication Packaging

Unit dose packaging (also known as blister packaging or bingo cards) is used to reduce medication errors, track administration and improve overall medication management and care quality.

Education & Training

We provide pharmacy in-services for the facility nurses and staff to ensure the facility nurses are up to date with all pharmacy procedures. We also provide IV therapy education and training related to ordering medication and administration. Our staff assists in the development of policies and procedures. We also assist the facility with compliance related to surveys and state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.